HVAC Efficiency Program

Please read before scheduling your HVAC Tune-up appointment: If you have fossil fuel heating equipment (oil or gas) your system can only be serviced when the outdoor temperature is 65°F or higher. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have questions, please contact 866-353-5798.


HVAC Tune-up

Save energy and money by having your HVAC system restored to its optimal condition. Schedule your HVAC tune-up today.

Looking to lower your home’s energy use and costs while preventing future problems with your heating and cooling equipment? An HVAC Tune-up is a great place to start and it’s available at no cost to you!

An HVAC Tune-up can identify any problems your system may have and restore your equipment to its optimal working condition. Plus, you may be eligible to get a smart thermostat installed during your appointment at no additional cost.*

The result? A more energy-efficient system that can help you save energy and money.

Why Get a Tune-up?

  1. Save money. A tune-up can help to prevent costly breakdowns by as much as 95%, reduce your energy use and extend the life of your system.
  2. Improve your home’s air quality. Getting an HVAC Tune-up will combat disruptive substances in your home, like dust and pollen, to help improve your air quality.
  3. Improve your home’s comfort. Regular maintenance will help your system provide warm or cool air more evenly around your home and minimize the chances of a noisy unit.
  4. Help the environment. A well-maintained HVAC system consumes considerably less fuel, which is good for the planet and your wallet. Your Tune-up technician can also help you understand what kind of refrigerant you’re using, its impact on the environment and your options.

Prepare For a Tune-up:

HVAC Tune-up Overview

Here are the two most important things to do before your Tune-up:

  1. Prepare any questions you may have about your system, its operation, or any comfort concerns in your home.
  2. Ensure that the areas around your equipment are clear to make it easy for your technician to gain access.

One way you can help supplement the beneficial results of your Tune-up is to inspect, clean or change your equipment air filters. Your technician can show you how to do this. A dirty filter can increase energy costs and damage your equipment, which can lead to early breakdowns.

Please see the following requirements for getting a Tune-up:

  • For customers that have an Air Source Heat Pump (all electric homes) a tune-up can only be performed when the temperature is above 35 degrees.
  • For customers that have a Furnace or any other means of heating, a central air conditioning tune-up can only be performed when the temperature is above 60 degrees.

Only the certified contractors on this list are authorized to perform Tune-ups on behalf of Pepco. You can expect your contractor to call you 2-3 days ahead of your scheduled appointment.

Here’s what you can expect during your Tune-up:

An HVAC Tune-up will identify any problems your system may have and restore your equipment to its optimal working condition through various procedures, including:

  • System performance check
  • Coil inspection
  • Indoor and outdoor coil cleaning (if accessible)
  • Electrical inspection
  • Refrigerant level inspection
  • Condensate drain cleaning (if accessible)


Questions? Check out our FAQs page or program brochure.

Source: energystar.gov

*Not everyone will be eligible to receive a smart thermostat. Work with your contractor to determine your eligibility.


EmPOWER Maryland programs are funded by a charge on your energy bill. EmPOWER programs can help you reduce your energy consumption and save you money. To learn more about EmPOWER and how you can participate, click here.

The EmPOWER Maryland charge funds programs that can help you reduce your energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and save you money. Since the inception of the EmPOWER Maryland program in 2008, the programs have saved $14.5 billion on installed measures at a cost of $4.1 billion. In addition to new program costs, this charge includes paying off the uncollected costs that were accrued over time by programs required by the EmPOWER statute and authorized by the Commission. In accordance with House Bill 864 the uncollected amounts will be fully paid by the end of 2032.