Quick Home Energy Check-up Program

Learn How Your Home Uses Energy

A Quick Home Energy Check-up teaches you how your home uses energy—and how to make easy changes that can save you both energy and money. In about an hour, a certified Energy Analyst will conduct a walk-through of your home and may even install energy-saving products all at no additional cost to you. Customers are eligible for a Quick Home Energy Check-Up at the same address once every 5 years.

What to Expect

1. Inspection of your home: After you schedule your appointment, a certified Energy Analyst will walk-through your home with you to visually check the condition of the following items. It’s also your opportunity to ask questions.

  • Insulation levels
  • Air leakage
  • Heating and cooling systems
  • Windows and doors
  • Lighting and appliances
  • Water heating equipment

2. Energy-saving products installed: Your certified Energy Analyst may install (with your permission) the following energy-saving products to fit your home’s specific need(s). These products can help you start saving immediately by using less energy.

  • ENERGY STAR® certified LED bulbs
  • Water heater pipe wrap(s)
  • ShowerStart showerhead adapter
  • Efficient-flow showerheads
  • Faucet aerators
  • Smart power strips
  • Smart Thermostat*
  • Weatherstripping
  • Door sweeps

3. Customized Report: After your check-up is completed, you’ll receive a report, via email or mail, with recommendations to help you reduce your energy use and save money.

For more information on how a Quick Home Energy Check-up works view our FAQ page or program brochure

Prefer a virtual visit? Receive your check-up over the phone or through video chat, click here to learn more.

Income Eligible Programs

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development provides energy-saving assistance to qualifying residential customers at no charge. Visit dhcd.maryland.gov/empower or call 1-855-583-8976 to learn more.

*Not everyone will be eligible for a smart thermostat, work with your contractor to determine your eligibility.

**Source: energystar.gov




EmPOWER Maryland programs are funded by a charge on your energy bill. EmPOWER programs can help you reduce your energy consumption and save you money. To learn more about EmPOWER and how you can participate, click here.

The EmPOWER Maryland charge funds programs that can help you reduce your energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and save you money. Since the inception of the EmPOWER Maryland program in 2008, the programs have saved $14.5 billion on installed measures at a cost of $4.1 billion. In addition to new program costs, this charge includes paying off the uncollected costs that were accrued over time by programs required by the EmPOWER statute and authorized by the Commission. In accordance with House Bill 864 the uncollected amounts will be fully paid by the end of 2032.